tapas culture

Tapas Culture: A Spanish Tradition You Need to Discover

Still unclear about Spanish tapas? Don’t worry we reveal the secrets of Spain’s famous tapas culture.

When in Spain, you may find your drinks served with snacks or appetizers on small plates. This tapas culture is the traditional way of serving drinks in Spain. And many bars across the country still maintain this habit of serving a free tapa with every drink.

Tapas culture has become a very significant part of the drinking and social scene in Spain. As most people usually meet with their friends or family at a local tapas bar. In general, the Spanish usually eat something every time they have a drink.

This style of serving food in small portions provides convenience to the drinkers. Who usually eat standing and conversing with their drinking buddies. Moreover, it is also common in Spain to move from bar to bar during the evening. So, after finishing a tapas and a glass at one bar, they still crave another and move on to the next.

In the Basque Country in Northern Spain, they call tapas pintxos. They are often served on bread and skewered with a small stick known as a palillo.

Pintxos in San Sebastian

The origins of tapas culture

The term tapas derives from the Spanish verb tapar which means to cover. But what about the origin of tapas culture? Some believe the term originated when bar owners used cheese to disguise the smell or taste of bad wines. They also covered the glasses with bread to prevent fruit flies from landing in the wine.

There is a famous legend about the wise Spanish King Alfonso the 10th, who once fell ill. Because of his illness, the king was only allowed to drink a little wine and eat a little food.  After he recovered, he ordered taverns to serve wine with a small snack in every tavern. Moreover, some historians claim that the tradition began when field workers drank wine with a snack between meals. That way, they had enough energy to work through the day.

Tapas dishes

Tapas dishes may vary in their flavours, depending on the city, town or village. Yet, they all taste good with any wine or drink. There is actually an endless list when it comes to the types of tapas served in Spain. But, common varieties include Spanish omelette, almonds, serrano ham, cheese, olives, croquettes, mussels, prawns, pastries, squid and meatballs.

As they are light, tapas are suitable for any time of the day. In some areas of Spain that cater for tourism, tapas are no longer given free with drinks. Instead, customers must order them from a menu. This can vary from bar to bar. Yet, in many cities, including Granada and Jaen, and in most rural areas, the tradition of free tapas is alive.

But remember, you can’t be choosy about your free tapas; after all, it is a gift from the bar to you!

Image: Bar Los Diamantes, Granada

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